A federal Court authorized this website. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer. Your legal rights are affected whether you act or do not act. Please read this Notice carefully.
If you purchased Beyond Meat Products, you may be entitled to money as part of the Settlement.
To file a claim, you will need a Class Member ID. You can obtain this ID by visiting the Registration page and checking your email. Once you have your Class Member ID, you can file your claim by going to the Claim Form page.
This site is to tell you about the Settlement of a class action lawsuit, In Re: Beyond Meat, Inc., Protein Content Marketing and Sales Practices Litigation, (the “Action”) brought on behalf of people who purchased Beyond Meat Products. If you purchased Beyond Meat products for household use and not for resale or distribution, from May 31, 2018 to and including August 14, 2024, you may be a member of the group of people affected, called the “Settlement Class,” and you may be entitled to money as part of the Settlement. The Notice tells you how to get more information about the Settlement.
The Action claims that the labels and related marketing of Beyond Meat Products overstate the protein content and quality. Beyond Meat denies all allegations and settled the Action to avoid further litigation. The Court has not decided who is right.
The Settlement makes available to Settlement Class Members $7,500,000, which is structured to cover and include Cash Payments to eligible claimants, Notice and Administrative Costs, Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses, and Service Awards to named Plaintiffs.
Your options: | More about each option: |
Submit a Claim Form | To file a Claim, you will need a Class Member ID, which can be obtained via email by visiting the Registration page. If you have not received an email with your Class Member ID, please contact us at (833) 739-3317 or info@beyondmeatproteinsettlement.com to request it.
File a Claim to be eligible to get a Cash Payment from the Settlement. The Claim Form must be submitted by April 14, 2025. |
Opt-Out | Submit a request to exclude yourself from the Settlement Class. Get no Cash Payment, keep the right to sue Beyond Meat about the legal claims in this case. The Opt-Out and Objection Deadline from the Settlement Class is November 29, 2024. |
Do Nothing | Get no Cash Payment. Give up the right to sue Beyond Meat about the legal claims in this case. |
Object | Write to the Court about why you object to the terms of the Settlement. The Opt-Out and Objection Deadline is November 29, 2024. |
Go to the Hearing | Ask to speak in Court about the fairness of the Settlement. |